
Why #OnlyResultsMatter To Us | Chiropractor Singapore

Square One’s commitment to delivering results is clear. We are the only chiropractic, perhaps also physiotherapy and osteopathic, clinic in Singapore to offer a money-back guarantee if you don’t get better.

I was lucky to have connected with Walter (Instagram @walkwithwalter) from the organising committee of Fitness Super Star (check out their Instagram @fssasia for the hottest fitness models in Asia) over dinner hosted by one of my patients. We talked a lot about health, fitness, and eventually the Chiropractic industry. A few days later, he shared a video by Tom Bilyeu, the Co-Founder of billion-dollar Quest Nutrition, speaking at a Chiropractic event. The theme of Tom’s keynote presentation revolved mostly around what chiropractors can do for themselves and their community. It simply boils down to only one thing – results.

Square One’s commitment to delivering results is clear. We are the only chiropractic, perhaps also physiotherapy and osteopathic, clinic in Singapore to offer a money-back guarantee if you don’t get better. While many businesses openly promise results, only a handful offer similar money-back guarantee arrangements. We are not like the rest. We put our money where our mouth is. The good news for you (and also us) is that nobody has asked for their money back. Zero. Our Google reviews speak for themselves – 100% five-star reviews. For now.

Despite what we set out to achieve (that is to deliver results) and the satisfaction of our patients, a lot of our efforts and attention is diverted to marketing, branding, and sales. While they are all necessary, to what end do we go?

“Your Life is an Exact Reflection of the Choices You Make”

It is easy to justify business decisions based on the need for revenue and the eventual goal of making a profit. After all, we are 100% for-profit. Tom Bilyeu made a good point – who we are is not merely the circumstance we are put into but the choices we have made. It applies not just to us individually but also to Square One as a whole. We consciously choose to put you first and to offer what truly matters to you. Results. In a perfect marketplace, you pay a company for a product or service that is exactly what you want. In reality, what you get may just be a buffoon of fluffy overpromises. This is not what we are about. Tom’s keynote is a timely reminder of what we set out to do: to transform traditional chiropractic care by bringing the focus back to building strong relationships with our community. It was never about making the most money or selling the most packages. It is about a relationship with you.  

We Are In This Together

“That thing that is going to allow you to take that first step is not the belief that you are capable of what you are trying to build. Because we all know you are not.” – Tom Bilyeu

It is true. The only reason why bills are paid every month is because of the trust you have put in us to help you get better and the generous support from our community (check out our Instagram @squareoneactive). We would not have made it past the first month without the referrals. Sending your family and friends to us was the single most significant contributor to our success. It keeps the lights running and it allows us to keep doing what we are good at – to get you out of pain.

In broad strokes, only results matter. This is our renewed promise to you. If you are unhappy with where you are right now, speak to someone who can help you get to where you want to be. Don’t forget – your life is an exact reflection of the choices you made. Ask questions, get second opinions, and remember help is always available.

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Dr. Jesse Cai Chiropractor
Jesse, a chiropractor with a unique approach, believes in empowering his clients to lead functional and fulfilling lives. Jesse worked with high-level Australian athletes, including roles such as Head Sport Trainer for Forrestfield Football Club, board member of Sports Chiropractic Australia, and member of Sports Medicine Australia.

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