Clinical Cases

Paediatric Trigger Finger Treatment Options | Singapore Chiropractor

We have never discussed paediatric conditions because we don’t see babies or children at our chiropractic clinic. This morning a past client texted us to ask if there was anything we can do for his infant son’s trigger thumb. He saw a specialist previously and was immediately referred for surgery without conservative care options.

trigger finger, chiropractor singapore, chiropractic clinic
A four month old baby boy born with a congenital trigger finger that was corrected with surgery Image from J Neonatal Surg 2014 Jul Sep 33 42

Paper 1: Case of a surgically managed congenital trigger finger

Being an evidence-based chiropractor, the first thing I did was to look into the research pertaining to trigger finger or trigger thumb in children.

The first paper that caught my attention was the management of a congenital trigger finger of a four-month old boy that underwent surgery. The paper, however, did mention that the first-line of treatment is conservative care (i.e. home-based physiotherapy program and splinting, which I will interpret as home-based exercise program).

The author also highlighted two things that are mention-worthy:

1) Most cases respond to conservative therapy!

2) The parents/guardians in this case was NON-COMPLIANT to the conservative care program

Case reports such as this are more of an recount of how specific conditions are managed in certain situations rather than evidence to support what works or what doesn’t work. While this report doesn’t discuss what are the treatment options available, it does give us an indicator that a trial of conservative care before operative care is common practice.

Which brings me to think, why did the specialist not offer my client a conservative treatment option?

Paper 2: Systematic review on treatment options for congenital trigger finger

If we think in terms of hierarchy of evidence, animal studies are at the bottom of the food chain with case reports immediately above it. The top of the pyramid lies the systematic reviews of randomised controlled trials or a meta analysis.

For paediatric cases, however, randomised controlled trial studies are not easily available. Furthermore, trigger finger is a fairly rare condition.

My point is this systematic review is pretty solid. It included seven studies or 118 fingers. It would seem none of these fingers included the thumb.

Before we discuss the findings, it should be noted the authors suggest trying conservative treatment first because over 50% of trigger fingers resolved SPONTANEOUSLY. This meant the trigger finger recovered by itself WITHOUT treatment.

Again, why is conservative treatment not offered FIRST.

So the authors condensed their finding into a treatment algorithm:


trigger finger, chiropractor singapore, chiropractic clinic
Treatment algorithm for paediatric trigger finger from J Child Orthop 2018 Jun 1 123 209217

So there you go, there are three treatment options that the systematic review identified: 1) watchful waiting, 2) splinting, 3) surgery.

I am surprised that there is no mention of exercise treatment as an option.

Michael Beere very kindly pointed us to a trigger finger exercise therapy resource at Ortho Bullets.

Navigating treatment options with Singapore’s evidence-based chiropractor

We haven’t looked into exercise therapy as a treatment option for trigger finger in children. Given the patient is only one year old, exercise may not even be feasible. We have suggested the child’s parent to consider splinting as a first-line treatment option before surgical intervention.

We do think that patients should work in collaboration with their choice of health care provider. However, it is reasonable for patients to choose to question the advice provided.

This is why at Square One, we don’t expect you to take our word for it. All of our professional advice comes backed with solid research data. We are likely the only chiropractic clinic in Singapore to openly discuss about our treatment methods and to provide adequate referencing for all our our claims.

Again, we don’t work with paediatric conditions in our clinic. The best course of action for us is to refer the child on to another health care provider. In this case, we agree with the parents that splinting would be the starting point for their child. (They were considering splinting as an option.) Because we don’t offer splinting services at our practice, we have referred them on to some one else.

If you find yourself in a situation where you might need a second opinion, do not hesitate to reach out to us. We will be happy to assist. Again, Square One prides ourselves on offering best clinical care – even if that means referring you on to some one else.

For additional readings, check out:

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Dr. Jesse Cai Chiropractor
Jesse, a chiropractor with a unique approach, believes in empowering his clients to lead functional and fulfilling lives. Jesse worked with high-level Australian athletes, including roles such as Head Sport Trainer for Forrestfield Football Club, board member of Sports Chiropractic Australia, and member of Sports Medicine Australia.