Just earlier today, The Smart Local added Square One Active Recovery to their chiropractic listing. It doesn’t mean that I am the best chiropractor in Singapore now. But hey it’s always nice when people pay attention.
The true compliment came when my competitor went on Facebook to post a comment that was *most likely* referring to me.
Either way, I thought you should know – if my competitor is reading my blog and pays enough attention to make a passing comment, you also should pay attention to what I am saying.
Here is a summary of what he doesn’t want you to know:
How much is chiropractic treatment in Singapore?
My position is that Singaporean chiropractors charge too much. Perhaps their fee per session is low. You can check out our previous blog post on how much it cost to see a chiropractor. There’s a fee comparison table as well.
Chiropractors typically $70 – $120 per session if you buy a package.
A chiropractic package can cost you anything from $3500 to upwards of $4500. The average spend per client at my practice is $955 to $1630. You literally save save thousands by coming to me.
While our competitors are busy servicing their $38 trials + hard selling packages, I write free articles to empower you to find your own freedom from pain.
How often should you get a chiropractic adjustment?
My competitors who are annoyed by my content are really those who sell packages.
Because. I. Am. Bloody. Vocal. That. It. Is. Not. Okay.
Again, we blogged about this before. Getting somebody to see a chiropractor 3x/week is just ridiculous.
In Nordic countries, patients who opt for maintenance (wellness) care only see a chiropractor 9 times a year. In the mean time, chiropractors in Singapore are selling 50-treatment packages and getting away with it?
The point here is that by choosing a good chiropractor who has your best interest at heart, you get better FASTER by spending LESS overall.
Don’t let some one laugh their way to the bank at your expense. Deal?
Is chiropractic recognised in Singapore?
The only reason why Singapore chiropractors are getting away with all these is because chiropractic is NOT REGULATED in Singapore.
This means chiropractors can do whatever they want while going unpunished.
For example, American chiropractor Brian Morris charged $120 for two to five minutes sessions. While expensive fees on it’s own is not an issue, the lack of regulation means there is no one to look out for the best interest of Singaporeans.
In the case of Susan Lim who billed over $40 million for cancer treatment, the Singapore Medical Council intervened to investigate if it was fair. It wasn’t.
In a separate and more serious incident, a chiropractor was sentenced to eight months jail for defrauding Manulife Singapore.
Because there is no regulation, the chiropractor in concern can return to clinical practice once he served his jail term. While this completely fair to me, the lack of regulation means there is no one to look out for the public’s interest.
As the saying goes, there’s no smoke without fire – right?
“If not us, then who? If not now, then when?”
– John E. Lewis
I am very thankful some one is paying attention. The chiropractor’s comment was particularly on point – I do ‘bash’ other chiropractors and even an orthopaedic surgeon on my blog. None of this would have happen if everyone did the right thing.
Everything I said would have been referenced for. It’s all very open.
I am sorry that Singapore doesn’t regulate her chiropractors and that we do have chiropractors who may prioritise profits over your well-being. But you do have control over your own treatment choices. So, my two cents?
Choose wisely.
Based in Singapore, Square One Active Recovery offers treatments with a very big difference. With our evidence-based exercise approach, you can achieve your recovery goals in just 12 weeks. Not getting results from your chiropractor, TCM doctor or physiotherapist? Talk to us and find out how we can take your recovery to the next level.
Our goal? To make our own services redundant to you.
*We do not offer temporary pain relief such as chiropractic adjustments, dry needling, or any form of soft tissue therapy.