
Is your chronic pain a lifestyle disease: a behavioural approach to recovery

It's not unimaginable that a sedentary lifestyle or an overactive lifestyle can both contribute to chronic pain. When you try to make sense of your pain, you probably reason with a structure-based or damage-based narrative. Afterall, this is what most chiropractors or orthopaedic surgeons will talk about even though recent research has vigorously challenged them. [...]

Recovery from an investing perspective: Why good data matters

We feel better when we are in control because we think that having control equals good outcomes. When it comes to investing at least, that's totally not true. The Straits Times just published today that 1 in 2 CPF members who use their funds to invest made less than the guaranteed 2.5%. In short, they [...]

What is active versus passive treatments? Is active recovery truly superior?

I think people like to romanticise passive therapies because they have been around for thousands of years. Beyond that, they also make us feel really, really good. So, we want to believe that it works. When it comes to the practitioner's side, it makes sense to do what you are familiar with and to do [...]

Can reframing your experiences take your recovery to the next level?

Words are more powerful than you imagine. For example, positive self-talk before exercise can lead to a 22% improvement in their pain experience after exercising. That's a lot of upside for very little effort! In the same study, those who read a negative-worded script saw a -4% change in their pain experience. To put in [...]

Five Reasons Square One Active Recovery Is Not Your Usual Chiropractor

You may have been told by your friends or colleagues to try a chiropractor for your chronic pain. You did a look online and you can't seem to find one to your liking. Today we will share with you why Square One Active Recovery is not your usual chiropractor. Chiropractor without the chiropractic adjustments Chiropractor [...]

Sports Massage: Does it improve performance and recovery?

If you are a social media user, you'd have seen lots of ads promoting sports massage. Specifically, that it reduces injury risk, improves recovery, or boost sports performance. These claims are made by physiotherapists and massage therapists alike. However, what does research say? What is sports massage? Sports massage is a general term used to [...]

Self-improvement tips: How can I recover from chronic back pain?

If you are suffering from back pain, you are probably thinking there's a problem to fix: Do I have a herniated disc (or slipped disc)? Is my pain due to "wear and tear" in the lumbar spine? Perhaps one of my spinal nerves pr spinal cord  is compressed? Let's take a step away from that. [...]

Research says feeling better in the short-term does not indicate better recovery

In Singapore, we tend to chase 'results' or 'outcomes'. Sometimes, perhaps a little too much. When it comes to your physical health though, research says it's better to focus on the process. A paper published in December 2019 found: Changes in pain location is NOT linked to better recovery outcomes Feeling better (i.e. less pain) [...]
Featured Post Resources

Understanding Recovery: How to “Zhng” Your Life

With the new DECADE only hours away, everyone is scrambling to write new year resolutions to kick off with the right foot. Today, we share with you seven must-learn lessons to help 'zhng' the new decade for a more holistic, less-painful life.  *Zhng: Singlish, Hokkien to mean modify or upgrade #1 The power of now, [...]

Recovery From Neck Pain: Words From A 32 Years Old Client

This is my journey of recovering from neck pain at Square One Active Recovery under the care of chiropractor, Jesse Cai. A truly rewarding journey that I would like to share with anyone suffering from chronic pain. A 32 years old in the body of an 70 years old When I was young, I would […]


The Secrets Of A Successful Treatment: Recovery Is Not Just About Being Pain-Free

One of the clients today mentioned that she feels the same now compared to before she started seeing us. Her colleagues asked why she is she coming back then? (It was her third session.) She replied, "because I can do more than before." It doesn't seem like much but this client would have lived with [...]

Self Care: Can You Love Yourself To Recovery?

We hear generic, almost "useless", health advice on a regular basis. You probably would have sit through a family dinner lecture on the importance of sleeping early. Your friends or colleagues, maybe even your chiropractor or physiotherapist, may have asked you to exercise more. Most of us would brush off such advice. But, what if [...]