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Understanding Knee Arthritis: Damage vs Pain

It's National Arthritis Week over in Ireland and I absolutely love their theme for this year: Every Movement Matters. It's really on point because people with arthritis tend to be afraid of moving or exercising. For everyone else, it's a good reminder that we should continue to stay active despite the COVID-19 lockdown around the [...]
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The truth behind a chiropractic adjustment (2024 edition)

With the rise of chiropractic in Singapore, it make sense for us to explore what exactly in chiropractic. Before you start spending thousands of dollars on chiropractic treatment, you have questions and concerns. We hear you. Today, we will try unpack what chiropractic is and if you should be getting your spine cracked. What is [...]
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The Ultimate Guide to Sciatica Treatment in Singapore 2024

Sciatica or sciatic pain can be debilitating. If you are suffering from it, you would know exactly what I mean. Today we will discussed sciatica and what you can do about it to help yourself. What is sciatica? Sciatica pain is awful. Even the Pope had to take a sick day because of it. If [...]
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Slipped Disc Treatment in Singapore (2024)

"Slipped disc" can be very scary. Its name suggests you have permanent damage in your spine. Maybe you even think you have to live in pain for the rest of your life.  Maybe you have been told you will never run or squat again. What if I told you none of this is true? This [...]
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Understanding Pain: What Is Pain Neuroscience Education?

Most chronic pain sufferers I work with want to get straight into the "treatment" aspect of recovery. That is to get the exercises going, to get them strong and fit again so they can return to their daily lives without pain. That is a great attitude towards chronic pain management. The can-do, let's-go, take-action mentality [...]
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Understanding Mindfulness For Chronic Pain: A Neuroscience Perspective

If you are hard-science person considering mindfulness practice as a pain management strategy, this is for you. With research around neuroscience behind chronic pain and mindfulness practice, I hope to answer to questions from an evidence-based perspective. What is chronic pain? What is mindfulness? How to manage pain? How does pain make people change their [...]
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Understanding Change: The Hard Recovery vs The Easy Recovery

When it comes to living with chronic pain, most patients are aware that something must change for them to get better. Most people with back pain or neck pain start with changing their posture. When the self-directed intervention doesn't work, they seek the help of professionals such as chiropractors or maybe massage therapists for some [...]
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Understanding Placebo: Does knee surgery work?

When patients feel better after a treatment, they naturally think it's because the treatment they received is working. They are en route to recovery. This is simply not true. We could argue all day about this but I am not going to. The research on this is clear -- feeling better (i.e. less pain, improve [...]
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Understanding your beliefs about your body and pain

I promise you some one who thinks of their body as robust and resilient is going to behave entirely differently from some one who thinks of their body as weak and fragile. Similarly, some one who thinks that they cannot overcome their current challenge, is less likely to succeed compared to some one who believe [...]
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Understanding Compassion: How to harness into your full potential

To a large extend, chronic pain patients seek help not because they have pain but because they are suffering. And we have a lot of people living in pain in Singapore. According to the GSK 2017, four in ten people in Singapore experience body pain every week. So, today we are going to talk about how [...]
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Understanding Science: Six Things An Orthopaedic Surgeon of 20 Years Experience Got Wrong

I was researching back pain treatment options in Singapore and I came across two articles written by an orthopedic surgeon. The articles were positioned to be evidence-based and authoritative. However, I realised the content was not congruent with the latest research. This is a long, heavy read. As usual, I included many, many (in-text) references [...]
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Understanding the Cost of Chiropractic Treatments: Discount vs Premium

It doesn't make sense for me to talk about my own fees so I invited a few clients to share their thoughts. As I heard them speak, I came to be more and more thankful and grateful for the clients who have been so supportive of my work. It's not easy to build a chiropractic [...]