
Knee Pain: Making Sense of Your Degenerative Knee MRI

You’ve had your MRI scan, your specialist probably suggested surgery. (If not, you wouldn’t reading this – we don’t think.) You are worried and you want to know more. Today we share with you three things in your MRI that does not matter. 


Is Dragon Boat Good For Your Back?

Dragon boating is a big sport in Singapore. There are races all year round from the international DBS Marina Regatta in May/June  to a 10km race in September. Is dragon boating bad for my back? It is true that lower back injuries, together with shoulder injuries, is the most common injured site associated with dragon […]


Ketogenic Diet: To Keto or Not To Keto

So the year is starting and most of us would have set new year resolutions. For a few number of us, this will include weight loss or muscle gain. The question we get asked a lot is if ketogenic diets work for long-term weight (or fat) loss. We came across some very good research and we are sharing them with you!


Shoulder Pain: Five Reasons Why Your Shoulders Might Be Hurting

You have probably experienced shoulder pain at some point in your life. For most of us, the pain was short-lived and resolved by itself without complications. Not all of us are this lucky though. You might be living with chronic shoulder pain for a while now. Today, we give you five reasons why your shoulder hurts (based on the latest research as we know it).


Knee Pain: Is ACL Injury All In the Knees?

When we think of anterior cruciate ligament injuries we think of contact sports right? We imagine some one playing netball or rugby running into each other and *bam* this person has now torn their ACL. Is this really the case though?


Help! My Knees Crack and Grind – Can You Fix It?

We know noisy knees are worrying. You hear the creaks and cracks when you squat and run. Maybe even when you walk – upslope or not. Your knees also hurt. You are worried your knee pain is the beginning of your worst nightmare and you don’t know what to do.


Does Manual Therapy Work? From a Chiropractor’s Perspective

We love manual therapy in Singapore! After all, we DO feel a lot better right after a massage. But does it work? That is the question.


Understanding Chiropractic: How many sessions should I have with a chiropractor

With chiropractic adjustments being all the rage in Singapore, it is no surprise you want to know how often should you get adjusted. The problem is that Singapore chiropractors are telling patients they need to 40 or 80-session packages. But is this true? In this article we discuss: What exactly does a chiropractor do? Do [...]

Five Things To Consider Before Making A Booking With Us: From a Singapore Chiropractor’s Perspective

We are probably the only chiropractic clinic in Singapore who blogs regularly. And regularly blogs about why you shouldn’t be booking in with us. Yes, this means less money for us. But we still do it because our priority is having a relationship with you.


Why #OnlyResultsMatter To Us | Chiropractor Singapore

Square One’s commitment to delivering results is clear. We are the only chiropractic, perhaps also physiotherapy and osteopathic, clinic in Singapore to offer a money-back guarantee if you don’t get better.


Why Should I See a Chiropractor in Singapore?

You have been living with your pain for a quite while and you have tried medication, TCM, and even physiotherapy. You get better after each treatment but the pain comes back again and it is progressively getting worse. Your best friend swears by Chiropractic but you are still not sure. Does Chiropractic work?
In short, yes.


Massage VS. Chiropractic – Finding Your Personalised Pain Fix in Singapore

Let’s put this straight – going to an evidence-based chiropractor is likely a better option than getting a massage for your pain. Evidence based chiropractors in Singapore are musculoskeletal experts. We are trained to make a diagnosis based on a thorough history and assessment. This allows us to develop a treatment plan that is personalised to your complaint, and allows for more effective and long-term pain relief.