Many Singaporeans are starting to see the value of chiropractic treatment for their aches and pain. At Square One Active Recovery, we work with clients with conditions such as back pain, neck pain, and even knee pain. While insurance can greatly help to offset some of the chiropractic treatments, did you know that chiropractic treatment is not covered by MediShield or Integrated Shield Plans (IP) in Singapore?
Today, we will discuss what are the insurance plans you can consider specifically for their chiropractic cover for your aches and pains.
Cigna International Medical Insurance
Cigna is an American insurance company that offers group health insurance for many multinational corporations in Singapore. If you are insured with Cigna Healthcare under your company, chiropractic is usually covered. However, the extent of coverage can change from company to company so it is best to check if you are unsure.
If you are interested to purchase Cigna on your own, they also offer individual health insurance. For Singapore plans, Cigna covers in full up to 15 chiropractic visits for Silver and Gold plans, and up to 30 visits for their Platinum plan.
If you purchased your plans through Cigna US or Europe, the coverage may be slightly different. The limits of chiropractic cover are US $5000 for Silver, US $10,000 for Gold, and unlimited cover for Platinum! Do note that prior authorisation is required after the initial 10 sessions.
There is no indicative pricing available on their website. To request for the quote, you can reach out to them directly.
AXA Health Insurance Plan
AXA GlobalCare offers an international health insurance plan and personal accident plan that both covers chiropractic treatments. The health insurance include hospitalisation, outpatient treatments, maternity expenses, vaccinations, dental, and even optical expenses. There are five different plan tiers to choose from based on your needs and budget.
Plans A to D covers chiropractic treatments. Plan A and B cover up to $2,200 for chiropractic treatments while plan C and D cover up to $1,200. Plan E, the lowest tier, has no chiropractic cover.
Premiums differ greatly based on age and plan. Using a 30-year old for example, Plan B will cost $14,998.43 per year while Plans C and D have the same premium at $3,993.35.
Do note that HSBC has acquired AXA and AXA has renamed to HSBC Life (Singapore)
AXA Personal Accident Plan (HSBC)
HSBC personal accident plans are a lot more affordable than health insurance plans. Unlike health insurance, the premiums differ based on occupation rather than age. There are three main plans available: Silver, Gold and Platinum.
The chiropractic coverage increases with each plan. Chiropractic treatments are covered up to $1,000 per year for Silver, $2,000 for Gold, and $5,000 for Platinum. Do note that not all insurers use an annual limit. Some insurers use a per-accident limit, which is based on what is the maximum they will pay out per-accident claim, with potentially no limits per year.
The premium for adults with non-manual occupations are $158 for Silver, $397 for Gold, and $1,073 for Platinum. For those with manual occupation, the premium is approximately 50% more at $223, $552, and $1,480 for each respective plans.
Do note that the AXA PAÂ policy is not a Medisave-approved policy and you may not use Medisave to pay the premium for
this policy.
NTUC Income Personal Accident
NTUC Income probably has the most complex personal accidents offering so I would likely suggest connecting with their advisor for more information. Based on their website, they offer at least three different PA policies. PA Guard and PA Assurance, which both offers chiropractic coverage, while PA Secure does not appear to include chiropractic coverage.
Chiropractic cover for both PA Guard and PA Assurance is identical from $500 to $1,250 per accident depending on the plan that you get. Do note that the limit is per accident and not per year as we have seen from earlier policies.
The yearly premium for PA Assurance range from $201.70 to $967.76 for occupations without manual work. For occupations involving manual work, the premium is more than double from $436.00 to $1,935.51 for the same plan.
PA Guard has cheaper premiums (with the same chiropractic limits) at $155.86 for the cheapest plan to $644.11 for the most expensive plan.
PA Secure, which does not offer chiropractic coverage, is the cheapest PAÂ plan with premium starting at $92.82.
NTUC Income Group PA Insurance (MOE)
If your company benefits include Income PA insurance, do note the coverage may differ from their usual PA policy. Based on the MOE Group PA brochure we found online, outpatient expenses are capped at $2,150. Treatments by TCM (traditional chinese medicine practitioner) is subjected to a further sub-limit of $400.
Private physiotherapy treatments are not covered.
An online brochure we found online included chiropractic treatment in their coverage. However, it seems the current brochures have excluded chiropractic treatments.
Unsurprisingly, premiums are a lot cheaper than what we have seen earlier ranging from $19.62 to $87.20 per annum!
NTUC Income Travel Classic Deluxe Preferred
Did you know Income’s travel insurance also covers chiropractic?
However, the max benefits per trip is on the lower side from $300 to $1000, depending on the plan you sign up for. There is a also a further sub-limit of $5o to $100 per visit.
You can make claims for both chiropractic expenses incurred overseas or in Singapore. To file for a claim, you must provide a written report of your medical condition from the chiropractor.
Great Eastern Personal Accident Plans
Great Eastern as one of the country’s biggest insurer also offer multiple personal accident insurance plans.
Essential Protector Plus: Premium starts range from $232.17 to S$497.04 per year. Reimbursement for up to $500 per accident across plans.
AccidentCare Plus II is a customised personal accident plan. It is unclear how much are the premium but chiropractic reimbursement is similar to Essential Protector Plus at $500 per accident.
Prestige PACare: Unclear how much is the premium so it is best to speak to an advisor. The chiropractic claim limit is also $500 per accident.
PA Supreme: Does not seem to offer chiropractic coverage.
Although Great Eastern has a page on their website dedicated to chiropractic care, the policies offered in Singapore seem to have limited chiropractic coverage across plans. This is like NTUC Income plans where the amount reimburse for chiropractic treatments for the more expensive plans.
For current Great Eastern customers, you may also want to know they offer Health Perks deals. Under the programme, they offer an exclusive chiropractic care programme with TRUE Chiropractic Group. However, it is unclear how much is the cost of chiropractic sessions.
AIA Personal Accident Plans
It seems like offering different types of personal accident plans is the norm among local insurance companies. The PA policies offered by AIA seems like an in-between of Income and Great Eastern as far as chiropractic is concern.
Solitaire offers four levels of protection. The insured amount for chiropractic is $500 for the cheapest plan, followed by $750, $1000, and $1250. Pretty much identical to NTUC Income as far as chiropractic reimbursement goes. It is not clear if the claim limit is per accident or per annum. Based on what we see at Income and Great Eastern, it should be per accident but best to check with your advisor.
The premium for non-manual occupations range from $224.11 to $855.69 and $392.20 to 1,512.75 for those with manual occupations. AIA PA price is comparable with NTUC Income with some plans being marginally cheaper with the same chiropractic coverage.
AIA Centurion PA: Designed for seniors and provide insurance coverage up to 100 years old! Limited chiropractic reimbursement from $250 to $750 compared to other plans. Premium range from $310.65 to a whopping $2,338.05 depending on age bracket and plan.
PRUPersonal Accident by Prudential
From what I can see online, Prudential seems to not offer any chiropractic benefits at all. At least this is what it is observable from their website as well as product brochure. If you are already insured with Prudential, you may want to speak directly with your financial advisor or insurance agent for more information about their PA plans.
Like Great Eastern, Prudential offer chiropractic perks for their customers under Silver Care Privileges. Their partnership with Chiropractic First offers $50 for first consultation (usual price is $150). A discounted rate is also available for the 40-session plan at $3000 (usual $3200) and 90-session plan at $5850 (usual $6300).
Based in Singapore, Square One Active Recovery offers treatments with a very big difference. With our evidence-based exercise approach, you can achieve your recovery goals in just 12 weeks. Not getting results from your chiropractor, TCM doctor or physiotherapist? Talk to us and find out how we can take your recovery to the next level.
Our goal? To make our own services redundant to you.
*We do not offer temporary pain relief such as chiropractic adjustments, dry needling, or any form of soft tissue therapy.