If you are here reading through my blog, you are:
- A competitor chiropractor (or physiotherapist?) sussing out what I am doing, or
- A pain patient who’s looking for more information about Square One’s treatments or recovery approach.
Regardless, here is the good news: I am starting a coffee meetup so that you can have all your questions answered!
Why a (free) coffee meetup?
We already run community events on a regular basis.
In our last thanksgiving night, I met Chris – an urban farmer who used to run coffee-brewing nights out of his dorm room. I thought that was brilliant. I love it when I meet individuals who use creative ways to build successful, vibrant communities.
A couple of weeks before that, I met the CIO of Endowus who runs a Ask Sam series. I learnt so much about investing and evidence-based investing from Sam over coffee – more than I did from all the readings I’ve been working through – that I was honestly #starstruck.
I came to realise that I could do the same for all of you.
Perhaps online content alone is not good enough. I learnt so much more talking to Sam in person then I did from all his online content. I figured readers like yourself may also need an opportunity to ask questions that are directly relevant to yourself.
With that, I decided to combine both Chris’s and Sam’s together to give you our very own Better Ask Jesse series.
Are you trying to drive sales from the meetup?
The short answer is no. I am trying to drive education and push for informed-decision making.
Most of the content available today on Google and social media are created to drive sales. While they may all sound reasonable, they tend to be outdated and not congruent with the latest research.
Even hospitals are guilty of it. A paper published in May this year found that only 43% of low back pain information published by hospitals, health organisations, professional associations was accurate.
Our goal is simple. To provide evidence-based answers to questions anybody may have when it comes to pain or injury management. If you have a question about chiropractic adjustments, muscle knots, stretching, exercise, I have the (evidence-based) answers for you. If not, I’ll make sure I find them for you.
(All of our content are referenced so you can do easy fact-checking. We don’t expect you to take our words at face value.)
We are aware that there are chiropractic clinics in Singapore who runs dinners at Tung Lok and Frunatic. We are not doing that. Because we keep our costs low, we can sustain the meetup without having to upsell you ANYTHING at all!
Building a community support group for pain sufferers
The long-term goal, really, is to build a community with and for pain patients. We know from research that loneliness and social isolation have a detrimental impact on health.
We know it’s hard to talk about pain with your friends and family. This is why we want to build a support network for you.
We want to create a safe space for you to have conversations about your pain experience. As you get recover, we hope that you will continue to come to support those who were previously in the same space as you you were.
With and for one another – I cannot emphasise this enough.
We know talking about pain is heavy. So to loosen things up a little, we decided to throw in coffee-brewing.
Come join us already lah!
To sign up, fill in this Google form. We do need all the support we can get to make this event a success.
If you are unable to attend or not ready to come, please do share this with your family and friends! We have listed the event on both on Facebook and Meetup.
Thank you for being part of this journey with us!
Based in Singapore, Square One Active Recovery offers treatments with a very big difference. With our evidence-based exercise approach, you can achieve your recovery goals in just 12 weeks. Not getting results from your chiropractor, TCM doctor or physiotherapist? Talk to us and find out how we can take your recovery to the next level.
Our goal? To make our own services redundant to you.
*We do not offer temporary pain relief such as chiropractic adjustments, dry needling, or any form of soft tissue therapy.