
Treatment for Knee Pain in Singapore (2024)

The human knee is a marvel of engineering. Our knee is a complex joint that facilitates our mobility and bears the weight of our bodies. However, it is also susceptible to a wide range of injuries and conditions that can lead to knee pain. Whether you are an athletic or sedentary individual, knee pain can [...]
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Understanding Knee Arthritis: Damage vs Pain

It's National Arthritis Week over in Ireland and I absolutely love their theme for this year: Every Movement Matters. It's really on point because people with arthritis tend to be afraid of moving or exercising. For everyone else, it's a good reminder that we should continue to stay active despite the COVID-19 lockdown around the [...]
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Understanding Placebo: Does knee surgery work?

When patients feel better after a treatment, they naturally think it's because the treatment they received is working. They are en route to recovery. This is simply not true. We could argue all day about this but I am not going to. The research on this is clear -- feeling better (i.e. less pain, improve [...]

Must know osteoarthritis research for your knee and hip

For those of you who have been following us for a while, you know that we are big on research. Just January alone, 23 research papers in our Facebook group. These papers are also freshly published (i.e., published within the same month) so you know we are 100% up to date with the latest research. [...]

Knee Osteoarthritis: Is walking good for my knees?

As a chiropractor that works with both chronic knee pain and functional movement training, I often hear people saying that walking or running is bad for their knee joints. The (false) belief often stem from the wear and tear narrative, where the use of your joints is assumed to cause degeneration and can lead to [...]

Evidence-based exercise programme for knee osteoarthritis Singapore (2022)

One of the things that irk us the most is when seemingly authoritative health organisations put out advice that are not congruent with best evidence practice. This often lead patients to behaviours that ultimately worsen their conditions. In our previous blog post, we discussed how unscientific advice does cause harm. The advice in concerned today [...]

Three exercises you can try to kick-start your knee pain recovery

Knee pain is common in athletes and sedentary individuals alike. It's ridiculously disruptive to daily life because every step can be painful. This often lead knee pain patients to avoid activities that involve their knee. Over time, this avoidance behaviour lead to poorer knee function, strength, and can cause even more problems in the future. [...]

Can powerlifting be your arthritic knee pain solution?

As a chiropractor, I've seen the limitations of chiropractic adjustments firsthand. While spinal manipulation can often provide pain relief, the results don't last. This is why I started offering exercise to help my clients find true freedom from pain. Can I exercise with knee pain? As a pain sufferer, you worry that exercise will make [...]
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Ultimate Guide to Knee Osteoarthritis and Hip Osteoarthritis (2021 Edition)

There are only 22 clinical guidelines in Singapore that are available to the public. It is unsure if there are other guidelines available to medical doctors only. If so, Singapore has a long way to go in moving away from authoritative, doctor-centred care to embracing patient-centred care. We have an ageing population here in Singapore [...]

Understanding Knee Damage: Exercise vs Rest

This year is great because we are starting to see lots of lovely research being published on knee pain. These papers cut-through all the broscience. It is NOT true that running "wears" your knees out. It's definitely bad advice if you have been told to stop lifting weights because you have knee degeneration or knee [...]

Knee Instability and Knee Alignment: Research Update | Chiropractor Singapore

Knee pain is the number one complaint we see at our chiropractic clinic. As an evidence-based chiropractor, we follow the latest research to make sure you are receiving the best chiropractic treatment possible. Just a couple of weeks ago, two new studies were published about knee instability and knee alignment. Today, we are going to [...]

Knee Pain: Making Sense of Your Degenerative Knee MRI

You’ve had your MRI scan, your specialist probably suggested surgery. (If not, you wouldn’t reading this – we don’t think.) You are worried and you want to know more. Today we share with you three things in your MRI that does not matter.