Square One Active Recovery is organising our first free community clinic!
We have wanted to do this for a while now but never had the time to sit down to think through what a free clinic might entail. Truth is we still haven’t, but we are going ahead with it anyway.
We wouldn’t be where we are today without the help and love from the community. One of the many things my time in Australia taught me is to invest in the community.
This is our #payitforward
Who is this for?
This is for anyone in pain and will like ask to help.
If you are having a difficult time or challenging time, we will like to support you. No questions asked.
Read more about the conditions we work with:
- Text neck or neck pain
- Lower back pain
- Slipped disc
- Sports injuries such as Achilles tendinitis
What do we do?
I am a chiropractor by training and I founded Square One Active Recovery – Singapore’s #1 exercise chiropractor.
I have written extensively about my stand my manual therapy – chiropractic adjustments and IASTM.
For information on how we run our exercise therapy, check out why we choose exercise.
Monday, 8 July, 5:30-7:30pm
Monday, 22 July, 5:30-7:30pm
Strictly by appointment only!
Sign up
To sign up, drop us an email or WhatsApp at 82560162.
Event rules:
1. Sign up only if you are committed to getting better
2. All paperwork must be completed and returned to us before an appointment can be made, first in best dressed (first come first serve)
3. Each appointment is 30 minutes, treatment included if time allows
4. Please provide at least 24 hours notice if you are going to miss your appointment
5. In the event of no show and late cancellations, we reserved the right to not reschedule you for subsequent free community clinic
This is a free community clinic. Subsequent followup visits are also free as long as they fall within a free community clinic session.