I started this blog to offer evidence-based chiropractic content so people could make informed-decisions about their pain treatment.

It has since grown to include other topics, in over 200 posts, to provide a true biopsychosocial, whole-person approach to helping you find freedom from pain.

I’ll like to thank the support of my readers — all 10,000 of you — who have helped this site grow to become the most read chiropractic/physiotherapy blog in Singapore.

To facilitate your reading experience, I am compiling an essential reading list. If you prefer, you can scroll down to access the blog in reverse chronological order (newest entries first).

chiropractor singapore, chronic pain


Featured Post Resources

Understanding Recovery: How to “Zhng” Your Life

With the new DECADE only hours away, everyone is scrambling to write new year resolutions to kick off with the right foot. Today, we share with you seven must-learn lessons to help 'zhng' the new decade for a more holistic, less-painful life.  *Zhng: Singlish, Hokkien to mean modify or upgrade #1 The power of now, [...]

Recovery From Neck Pain: Words From A 32 Years Old Client

This is my journey of recovering from neck pain at Square One Active Recovery under the care of chiropractor, Jesse Cai. A truly rewarding journey that I would like to share with anyone suffering from chronic pain. A 32 years old in the body of an 70 years old When I was young, I would […]


Better Ask Jesse: Everything You Want To Know About Pain & Injury

If you are here reading through my blog, you are: A competitor chiropractor (or physiotherapist?) sussing out what I am doing, or A pain patient who's looking for more information about Square One's treatments or recovery approach. Regardless, here is the good news: I am starting a coffee meetup so that you can have all [...]

Understanding Knee Damage: Exercise vs Rest

This year is great because we are starting to see lots of lovely research being published on knee pain. These papers cut-through all the broscience. It is NOT true that running "wears" your knees out. It's definitely bad advice if you have been told to stop lifting weights because you have knee degeneration or knee [...]

The Secrets Of A Successful Treatment: Recovery Is Not Just About Being Pain-Free

One of the clients today mentioned that she feels the same now compared to before she started seeing us. Her colleagues asked why she is she coming back then? (It was her third session.) She replied, "because I can do more than before." It doesn't seem like much but this client would have lived with [...]

The Unsuccessful Patient: When Chiropractic Fails

It would be a lie if I told you everyone achieved full recovery with our treatment. However, it would be fairly accurate to say you have a 80+% chance of achieving their recovery goals with us in just 12 weeks. Technically, over 90% of our clients achieve full recovery within seven visits – that is […]


Self Care: Can You Love Yourself To Recovery?

We hear generic, almost "useless", health advice on a regular basis. You probably would have sit through a family dinner lecture on the importance of sleeping early. Your friends or colleagues, maybe even your chiropractor or physiotherapist, may have asked you to exercise more. Most of us would brush off such advice. But, what if [...]

Scoliosis Treatment: Does Exercise Work? A Chiropractor’s Perspective

Recently, a parent reached out to ask about what treatment options are available for her adolescent girl. They had saw a scoliosis specialist and also went for physiotherapy treatment in a public hospital. Initially, they opted out of bracing but they have decided to go ahead now. By this stage, the physiotherapist had discharged them [...]

How To Restore Leg Function? Exercise For Limping Seniors

I cannot explain my obsession with helping people to get back to daily life. If you want to get back to running pain-free, I want to help you. If you want to get back to sitting eight hours at the computer pain-free, I want to help you. If your parent is struggling with getting around, [...]

If most of wellness is nonsense, is there evidence-based wellness care?

There is a lot of value in good health. If you struggle to identify with that, talk to some one who had just paid for a $10,000 chiropractic package. Perhaps also talk to some one who works in palliative care. Once we are in agreement that good health has insurmountable value, we can dig deeper [...]

80 Years Old Man Died After Seeing A Chiropractor – What Is Going On?

There is no point for chiropractors to live with their head in the sand: Yes, an 80-year old man died after seeing a chiropractor. Here is what we know: The patient was indeed an 80-year old man The patient did receive manual therapy treatment from a chiropractor It is still unclear what exactly was the […]


Is ‘exercise’ a generic good-for-you health advice? A chiropractor’s perspective

Too often as a society we emphasise the importance of exercising and working out without truly understanding its long-term value. As a result, the “exercise” advice sometimes become empty words. Thankfully with science, we can answer specific questions regarding exercise. We can with confidence advise on the purpose of exercise and the long term benefits […]